An important meeting, a friendly encounter, an everyday conversation. Again and again it happens that someone is annoyed, sits there closed and their thoughts just don't seem to be on the matter. What do you do then? How do I handle this? That deals with that Coaching for emotional intelligence. It conveys the ability to recognize and understand emotions and then to influence one's own emotional state or that of another person through concrete methods or actions.
This blog post describes the process of acquiring emotional intelligence and the value it brings to any type of communication. A clear process and methods are presented to help you learn emotional intelligence. Because in contrast to the intelligence quotient, we can improve ourselves here.

What is Emotional Intelligence?
Let's start with intelligence. This is our ability to think logically and derive results from it. When we see the train rushing toward the level crossing at high speed, we prefer to get out of the way as quickly as possible.
The term emotions, on the other hand, is often not so clearly defined. Some think of extreme forms of feelings and are not wrong at all. Emotions are made up of
- Anger, love, fear, sadness... Physical reactions
- Sweating, rapid breathing, butterflies in your stomach... And our thoughts
- "My work is stressing me out", "I'm scared of this presentation", "What if she says no?"
In summary, this means: Emotional intelligence is recognizing emotions, recognizing the train and thus the threat and drawing meaningful conclusions from this, how to get the train off the track. For example: you make the dreaded presentation. Since you know about emotional intelligence after reading this article, you will recognize yours Stress and know how to calm down and make your presentation successful. It doesn't even have to be a presentation. Any form of communication can cause stress. With a coaching for emotional intelligence you are prepared for all situations in everyday life.
Added value for your communication
You now know that you can recognize your feelings, physical reactions and thought patterns through the self-awareness and mindfulness you have learned in the coaching. You will also receive coaching methods to understand these emotions and thus to be able to influence them. In a conversation, this would mean that you remain calm despite stress and other negative influences and can thus successfully convey your message.
Let's go one step further. What if we could put ourselves in the shoes of our conversation partner and therefore understand their stress, feelings and reactions? You know the word for it: Empathy. We admire people who can help others just through the right words. That is exactly what emotional intelligence is.
"You don't really understand a person until you see things from their perspective... Until you step into their skin and walk around in it."
From the book To Kill a Mockingbird, often read in English class. We can only understand a person if we look at a situation from their perspective. The great added value of coaching on emotional intelligence is that by experiencing your own emotions you also understand other people better, i.e. you increase your empathy, and this makes communication easier for you.
Recognize, understand, act
You should remember these three words. They are the formula for emotional intelligence. First, recognize your emotional state. You have three options for this. Your feelings, your physical condition or your thoughts. Everyone has a different sensitivity to the different signs, but there's always something to recognize.
How am I feeling? -Angry, sad, happy, something in between...
How does that look on the outside? -That's a little harder. Take an objective stance. Are you shaking? Do you pace?
What do I think? -This step can be even more difficult. It requires accurate self-awareness. Pay particular attention to recurring thoughts, i.e. thought patterns.
After this analysis, the most important step has been taken. You got an objective look at your emotion. To understand them you need acceptance. When we accept the emotion, we can question it and look at it separately from ourselves, like a chemist looks at an experiment. In coaching you will learn to understand these new insights and then take individually adapted measures to bring about change.
This is the final step: action. When you're stressed, learn to breathe deeply. When you are sad, learn to take a different perspective. When you look at your life as a whole in moments like this, you will see that grief is part of it.
You now have the formula for emotional intelligence. To understand other people, you can use the same steps, only with the other person. Of course, you don't have the same information at your disposal, but over time you will become more aware of the physical reactions and thoughts of others. Once you have experienced a situation firsthand and reflected on it using the formula, you will be able to understand the other person.
What are the advantages?
-Relationships can be strengthened
-Managers understand their employees and can adapt the working environment
-You find common solutions or you can convey your own messages better.
-It is important for coaching to understand and support clients.
-Emotions can be recognized in any context and action steps can be adjusted accordingly.
Emotional intelligence starts with ourselves. Recognize, understand, act - that is the formula for understanding one's own emotional state, which also helps to take the perspective of the other person and strengthen empathy. Emotional intelligence coaching enables you to understand feelings, physical states and thoughts. You will also receive concrete methods for successful communication.
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