Coaching Berlin: Reach yours Objectives with first-class coaches in Europe!

more than 17.000 successful coaching sessions

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Coaching Berlin: Business Coaching, Life Coaching in Crisis and more | Welcome to the Berlin Mitte coaching practice

Coaching Berlin – expertise from the metropolis. Our service provides clarity, promotes resilience and takes you further. It focuses on solutions to your concerns. This will help you achieve your goals. No matter how difficult it is. With us you can get out of the crisis. The next Success. is not far away. Find your individual one Coach. He accompanies you on your way. 

Systemic Coaching Berlin: Coaches for your event

Systemic coaching is in great demand. Because it offers solutions for almost every occasion. Your challenge is examined from several sides. No matter what situation you find yourself in. Experienced coaches are at your side. So that you can keep a cool head even in times of change. This is how you systematically achieve your goals. That could personal growth be. Or you want the performance of yours Teams increase. There is an expert for every occasion. That's the beauty of it Ihr Coaching Institut.

Systemic here means that we don’t just look at problems. We also take a close look at the connection to the environment. It remains completely tailored to you. We ensure a deep understanding and thus promote sustainable change. By understanding it, you can use it to your advantage. We specialize in exactly that. You recognize your strengths. They help to use our resources. We will move forward with you in a targeted manner. This will help you achieve positive results soon.

Your goal is our concern

No matter what the end goal is. Whether you are seeking clarity or confidence. Personal or professional skills can also be the focus. Your career is an important part of your life. That's why coaching offers a structured framework. It helps you define your goals first. Then make a plan. Follow this step by step. We'll help if you get stuck. This is how you keep moving forward. 

Also Teams can get a lot out of this approach. Companies use this to improve collaboration and increase employee performance. The Teamdynamics are strengthened. But the company's goals are also moving further into the foreground. This is how we ensure your long-term success. By doing that Team enable us to achieve our goals together. By overcoming challenges. 

There are many coaches in Berlin. They all accompany customers in their own way. Whether in individual coaching or group sessions. Seminars are also becoming more and more common. We also offer you many options. Do you finally want to put your personal and professional goals into action? Then get in touch with us. Get in contact. We will clarify with you what happens next. 

Professional resilience, individual training and further education and clarity in times of crisis

Personal growth can be very uncomfortable. Topics are highlighted that test our self-image. But this is essential in times of change. You should have the necessary skills. You will receive the tools to remain resilient and take advantage of your opportunities. Because professional resilience and clarity in times of crisis are crucial. We want to train you and further educate you. To master life.

With professional or private resilience you can better mitigate problems. You deal with challenges constructively. This means you can even emerge stronger from crises. If Stress at work or a personal obstacle. The right methods and techniques will help you. Through coaching you strengthen your resilience. This way you can deal with stress better. This allows you to stay focused even in difficult situations. This means you can operate successfully, even when things go sideways. 

We continually educate ourselves to ensure career-related success. Personal Development is part of this training. Targeted measures develop your skills. You learn new skills. This will help you develop professionally. This is particularly important in the context of coaching. Because that’s where you set a goal. There you make a plan and a strategy. All of this is tailored to your needs. Through lifelong learning, you put this into action. You live a life according to your own wishes.

Emerging stronger from the crisis

In a crisis, it is important to navigate with clarity. Otherwise you will quickly lose your way. Challenging times require steadfast people. You can be such a person. Through coaching you can organize your thoughts. You change your perspective and make the right decisions. Even if the future seems uncertain. An experienced consultant will assist you. You define your goals. Together they overcome the obstacles on the way. With us you will emerge stronger from crises.

These aspects are building blocks for healthy growth. Whether business or personal. With our excellent supervisors in Berlin you are one step further. We support you on your journey. We accompany you in exploiting your full potential. This is how you find your balance in life.

Training, seminar and Teamcoaching: how the business coach supports

Our service can be divided into different offers. An experienced business coach is often also in groups and Teams active. This has great potential for companies. You can support your employees. This is how you build skills in the company systematically and sensibly. Because this also increases satisfaction. This leads to sustainable growth. Targeted training often has an impact on every department. Both professional and personal topics can be the focus. This enables holistic development. 

Employees can receive further training in specific areas through seminars. This will prepare you for current challenges. Whether the topic is communication, leadership or... conflict management should be. We offer a wide range of training courses. With your agreement we will make it possible. We always ensure the highest quality. We adapt them to your goals and needs. Because for us the customer is our focus. 

Also Teamcoaching contains added value that you cannot get anywhere else. It can increase the collaboration and efficiency of one Teams significantly increase. This can be done by each member understanding their strengths and weaknesses. So everyone takes their place. You will learn to communicate effectively, use synergies and more. This creates a positive one Teamdynamics. 

Your partner in crime

Feel free to contact us. This means we can create a program that suits your company. This is how we increase performance and Motivation with your employees. We design unique sessions, trainings and seminars. This is how we combine theory and practice. To ensure your long-term success. Quality is of great importance.

Our approach is holistic. We want to find specific solutions to your problems. This makes us a reliable partner for companies. So if you want to develop employees, you have come to the right place. All options are open to you. With the right mentor on hand, your goals are not far away. 

Coaching practice Berlin Mitte: online coaching also possible

We primarily pass on our knowledge online. But a session can also bring about big changes personally. This means we can convey our knowledge to you in person. This is also the case in Berlin. But we still mostly rely on online coaching. Why? Because this shape is flexible and modern. It offers numerous advantages. This is what makes coaching effective. It doesn't matter where you are. You can receive advice and support when and where it suits you. This creates several aspects that we use to our advantage. 

What are the benefits of online meetings?

  1. regardless of location
    You can reach us online from anywhere. So you don't have to appear in person. This way you can save yourself the trip. This is particularly useful if you live in a remote location or want to be present in different places. 
  2. Saving time
    Arrival and departure are no longer a factor. This way we also save time for this. This also saves effort and makes regular meetings possible. You can receive coaching from home or your workplace. This way you don't waste time in traffic. You can also reach us at the time you want while on vacation or traveling. 
  3. flexible in all aspects
     We can also plan appointments flexibly. This way the schedule is not postponed too much. You can choose dates that fit your schedule. Opening times are not important. Even if it doesn't work out, the next appointment can be planned quickly. Coaching is so flexible.
  4. comfortably from home
    Coaching in a familiar environment makes it easier for many. You feel more relaxed and open. This is how we can create real change. You put your focus entirely on the process. This also helps with the results. If it suits you, that's a big advantage. However, some prefer to coach in person. 
  5. discreet and private
    We offer a discreet and private environment. The personal discussions are in a closed room. So you are on your own. Nobody has to worry about the presence of other people. This is how we help you achieve your goals.

Individual coaching for private individuals: Resolve blockages in the session

In individual coaching, everything revolves around you. We recognize your blockages and find the right solutions. This can mean that we formulate several possible solutions and work them through strategically. Of course, the focus is always on the customer. His concern is now also ours. Together with the personal coach, a procedure is developed to achieve the desired goal. 

Let's look at an example. A private person, we'll call her Anna, came to us. She felt unhappy in her current job. She was dissatisfied with her work and the value it generated. She also felt that she couldn't get any further. We were able to identify this as a blockage. So that she can find her true calling.

Step 1: Analysis of the current situation
We discussed your current situation with Anna. It's about understanding feelings and thoughts. We wanted to get to know her and her situation. We first had to find out your needs. But we were also able to define together what their goals were.

Step 2: Identify blockages
Anna then identified possible blockages with the supervisor. These prevented her from progressing in her career. In general, these could be fears, self-doubt or unhealthy beliefs. This way she would never be able to fulfill her potential. 

The hot phase

Step 3: Develop solutions
If we have an analysis, we know where we can move forward. Together with the customer, we develop new approaches that we implement step by step. This can be a practical strategy. Stress or self-confidence are sometimes issues. Professional goals also pose major blockages. For Anna, this meant that she began to focus her tasks more on her strengths. She sought discussions in the company to improve her well-being there.  

Step 4: strategic implementation
Now it was time to implement it. Anna prepared and conducted interviews. Every day she tested again which concept would take her further. She soon found a strategy that made the work better step by step. These practical exercises and homework have helped you move forward. She could see her own progress. This made it certain that Anna was on the right path. 

Step 5: Reflect and Adjust
Even if you find the way once, it is not a guarantee. So we reflected regularly. We looked at the results. The consultant helped Anna adjust the strategy as needed. So further measures were added. Her path has steadily unfolded.

Establish yourself with professionalism: how you can develop further in your private or professional life

As part of the coaching, we promote your professional development. We will help you move in the right direction. Whether it is a professional or personal topic. First, define your goals. Then recognize and overcome obstacles. This is how you keep moving forward. You will learn which tools will help you move forward. You learn to coach yourself. 

How exactly can the mentor provide support?

  1. Goal and plan
    With us you can set clear goals. That sounds easier thought than done. We can achieve a lot in our private and professional lives. But we have to know exactly what we actually want. Only then can we make the structured plan. Then you can make systematic progress. 
  2. constant development
    We ask targeted questions. There are also exercises that will put you on your toes. This way you can also recognize your strengths and weaknesses. This way you can work specifically on your development. You uncover private topics that move you forward. This is how we continue to give you further insights. That will take you further. 
  3. Communication and conflict resolution
    We support you in your communication. This is a particularly important skill. This will help you find constructive solutions to conflicts and navigate them. Because you can bring people to your side through your language. You can share what you want and can. 
  4. self-management
    You can strengthen your self-confidence with us. This is just one of the many positive results. You also develop healthy self-management. This way you can approach your tasks consciously. You overcome the obstacles effectively. The quicker you can move on. 

What clear added value does coaching bring each time?

  1. objective insights
    We look at your situation from the outside. As experienced companions, we can approach this neutrally. So we approach the topic where it has its roots. 
  2. individual adaptation
    You will receive personal support from us. This is a service tailored to your needs. This is how we work together to find solutions that are tailor-made.
  3. Motivation
    We are a motivator. Because we will help you. Even if things get worse for you. We encourage you to show your best version.
  4. Tools
    You develop further through coaching. This way you will also learn which tools and exercises will help you. You learn to deal with problems. So next time you will know how to apply the solution. 

What stops many people?

  1. Costs
    Customers often see a problem with costs. Or rather: they don't recognize the real added value. Because then they would realize that coaching brings much more than it costs. It is an investment in your future. Business and private. Nobody can take that away from you. This also leads to a higher quality of life and satisfaction in the long term.
  2. time
    The process takes some time. But this effort is usually manageable. You can also design it flexibly. Once you come in, you get better and better. You coordinate with your supervisor. Then it works like a Swiss clockwork.
    You may doubt that an advisor will help you. We can recommend an initial consultation here. There you will find out exactly what we can do for you. Because a lot is possible. But you also have to get involved. Are you ready to actively work on your success?
  4. Anxieties
    We often carry fears within us. Above all, the fear of change and success is great. We then distract ourselves from this with thoughts that try to devalue success. But success proves us right. Many customers have already been able to achieve their goals with us. We just have to work through the fears. Then success can be great.

The expert's choice

The most important thing is probably to find the right advisor. You need a real expert. But today everyone can call themselves a coach. So you have to pay close attention. If you really want to put all of this into action, you need real mentors. Pay attention to quality. On the experience and skills they bring with them. Then you are sure that the process will be good. It's best to get in touch now. You will find support with us. Regardless of whether you are a specialist or manager Organizational development. We will help you!

Coaching sessions | Online also from Berlin-Kreuzberg

We want to share an experience report with you. A customer from Berlin-Kreuzberg came to us. He was looking for support. Both in a professional and personal context. So we were able to help him in the coaching sessions.

The customer faced many challenges, which have now accumulated. As a company, it often found itself unable to solve all problems. He was unsure of his decisions. So his goal was to find clarity. He wanted to develop strategies to help him deal with it. Then he could take the steps necessary for success. There were also the personal blockages that he wanted to tackle in the process. So there was a lot to do. We helped him find a start.

So we met online in the regular meetings. First we worked on precisely defining his goals. As world-class consultants, we know how important this is. To do this, we identified concrete measures to achieve these goals. Many tools and techniques were used that significantly helped the customer. In this way we were able to assist the customer's professional and personal development. The right questions and practical strategy worked. Obstacles became steps to success. Over time, the customer was able to get closer to his full potential.

What can you take away from it too?

The combination of life and Business Coaching had its effect. The client was able to see major changes in his life. These were positive proof that the advice helped. This also boosted self-confidence. The feeling for life found its way back into his life. So the client was more successful and, above all, more fulfilled. It was a lasting improvement in his life. An improvement that could be measured. 

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+49 174 1614 254

FAQ – answers to your most frequently asked questions:

How much does good coaching cost?

The price of coaching varies between €50 and €300. If you want it to be a good one, you can start at €200 with a clear conscience. You often won't find the right one among them. Because true expertise is worth it. 

For whom is coaching useful?

The advice helps everyone. Since it is customized individually, it makes sense for everyone. Whether individual or Team in the company. We assist with your goals. So we are a great help.

How much does a coaching lesson cost?

This varies depending on the region and mentor. You will find big differences between €50 and €300 per hour. There are also offers that make this price cheaper. Or you can find a funding program that suits you. There is always a way. Get in contact.

Is coaching effective?

Yes, numerous studies show that. The results speak for us. We have had thousands of satisfied clients with us. The process brings about positive changes in all areas of life. The results speak for themselves. Especially in companies that use it for their own benefit.